

The dojo (place to practice/study) was officially build and formed back in late 2016, the kendo dojo name was given by a great teacher (Sensei) Masatake Sumi Sensei in Fukuoka, Japan. The founder Mr Ou, wanted to carryout the same passion in Kendo from he’s mentor Sumi Sensei and promote the traditional way of practicing Kendo. He was inspired by lot’s of friends and sensei locally and oversea.

Shubukan (SBK) Kendo Dojo, managed by Kolo Learnings
2016 Sydney home visiting

Masatake Sumi Sensei from Fukuoka, Japan. 8th Dan Hanshi in Kendo. The dojo’s honorary advisor.

SBK Kendo’s vision and journey focuses in the following core value:

  • Good balance of life, work and Kendo in order to be build a harmony personality.
  • Be brave, upright and doing absolutely to your very best in everything you do.
  • Believe in God and be kind to people.

“You may lost championship, but don’t lost your character, Kendo is a lifestyle”

Masatake Sumi sensei

DOKA (The Dojo Song)

Each dojo may have it’s own Do-Ka to help us focus on what we are learning in the journey of kendo practice. Sumi Sensei have provide SBK Kendo a dojo song (DOKA) for all practitioner to study on regardless your age or grade.


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