
Documents & Forms

Thorough out your journey of Kendo study and learning. You will always come across few times that you need to fill up forms for grading, membership and register to certain event or seminar. Or perhaps try to find some study notes, rules and regulation, constitution of an organisation, we will try to make your job easy and consolidate some of key documents/forms you may need down the track. Please note, forms and documents maybe outdated or updated without notice. Always refer to the original sources of organisation or groups.

General Administration (NSWKA)

NSWKA Membership ApplicationYearly MembershipDownload
Grading Application FormGrading UseDownload
Rules For Behaviour in Kendo/Iado/JodoGeneral InfoDownload

SBK Kendo Administration

SBK Kendo General InfoGeneral Info(TBC)
Beginner Entry FormEntry Use(TBC)
Kendo Seminar Form Entry Use(TBC)

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