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Kyushu Gakuin High School

2016 Aug, we are given super rare opportunity to have a school tour at KG high school kendo club, one of world famous sports school for all round. Kendo is also one of the best in the class. Multiple time all Japan high school champion and still remain it’s record. The Kieko in the club...CONTINUE READING

Tsukuba Uni Kendo

Life time opportunity to watch and practice with the best in the class. Totally a life changing experience in see lot’s of familiar faces from KG high school OB. Thanks to Nabeyama sensei’s given opportunity for visit and learn. The best of the best in University Kendo!!

Kendo in Norway

It was amazing journey traveling to Norway 2018 & 2019. Kendo bring us lot’s of friendship around the world. This is the place I had to travel along and meet with group of strangers, but now I call it kendo brothers and sisters.

2017 Seminar – Sumi Sensei

Thrilled to have Sumi Sensei visiting Sydney, Australia for the first time. We love to create a friendly learning environment for all and future generation. This is first seminar SBK Kendo have launched in 2017 when dojo is almost complete construction.
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